I Haven't posted in a long time but Charlottesville has my head spinning. I watch these Nazi empathizers and my stomach twists almost reflexively from years of watching Nazi propaganda and WWII archival footage in my Jewish Sunday school. When you grow up Jewish you have almost a biological pre-dispostion to at once detest bigotry and feel sorrow for the victims.
Watching these evil bastards with their torches and their shields with huge black X's plastered on the front my anger boiled over. First of all, nice job on not using a Swastika. How many meetings did you have to have to come up with that? "we can't use a Swastika, people will know we're Nazis at heart. What can we use? How about an X, it kind of looks like a Swastika but it's really just an X. yeah yeah. Good idea."
"how about crosses? We can't burn crosses people will think we're KKK. How about tiki torches, my wife can get them at Costco pretty cheap. People love Tiki Torches. We can say it's just dark out and we need light. Yeah good idea"
"How about masks? Nah. We don't need masks we're proud of our suffering. We're proud that we don't want non white people here. Anyone who doesn't like it isn't my friend or customer anyway."
But more than anything I watch these guys and I'm baffled by what they're actual grievances are. They lost a job? Their neighborhood isn't white enough anymore? ISIS killed some people in another country so they know all Muslims here are going to kill them? They aren't making millions on the stock market? Starbucks won't put Christmas on a cup? What exactly is the problem?
They can walk down the street without worrying that a cop will shoot them for being white. They can leave the country knowing that when they come back they won't be hassled at the border for their white skin. Heck they even know they're not going to be told they can't come back in if they leave on vacation, unlike some of friends of mine They can go to their church without worrying that it will be blown up by someone who disagrees with them. Jesus, they can protest without worrying that someone who disagrees with them will plow into them with a car and kill them.
They say the feel disenfranchised, they feel unheard and unrepresented. But their own government is riddled with their brethren right now. We have policy wonks who deny that the Stature of Liberty is a beacon of hope and freedom to foreigners. We have a presidential advisor who published one of their own "news" outlets and who has loudly supported White Nationalism. And we have a president who 24 hours removed from the tragedy in Charlottesville still hasn't personally decried their movement. How much more empowerment do these villains need?
Hopefully, the disturbing images of black helmeted bastards with "not Swastika" emblazoned shields cracking the heads of counter protesters armed with iPhones and wearing bandanas will sink into the complacent people of this country. Sadly there ARE battle lines in this country, and despite what the president said it's not protesters of this dark evil who need to end the battle.