Thursday, April 10, 2014

When life gives you lemons...

  "Well, Jane, it just goes to show you, it's always something—if it ain't one thing, it's another."

Gilda Radner as Rosanne Rosannadanna

Since I last wrote, my mom left the hospital and started slowly rehabbing;she's now able to get up two flights of stairs which is good.

My dog wasn't thrilled to see me after spending two weeks with our friend and her two year old getting treats and sleeping in the two year olds bed. On our first walk back he immediately ran up to a strange and pretended he didn't know me; he's gotten over it since then.

Lisa was back for a few weeks and Pook, her mom, was home, getting chemo every other week. We had a relatively quiet couple of weeks. But there's always a lion waiting in the grass. Lisa had planned to go back for a few more weeks to help take care of her mom while her aunt was away. But last Friday about 10 minutes after Lisa left for work I got a very upset call from Lisa that Pooks nurse had called and said that wouldn't get out of bed and had even made a mess in the bed and didn't want to be cleaned. Yikes!

Lisa tried to change her ticket but they wanted a bajillion in fees and it was going to end up costing twice as much as the original ticket so we played another round  of"how cheap is that ticket?" This involves me checking all my credit cards and airline miles to see if I can cobble together some rewards points.  This time around I didn't even come close. So I had to resort to my AARP-Expedia discount.Yes I said AARP, I'm not that old but it doesn't hurt to have the 5% discount.

So somehow we wound up at a restaurant called 13 Coins having a quick farewell dinner before going to the airport. The place is already a slight absurd location, looking like it's frozen in time in 1972 with big heavy booths, leather upholstered chairs and menus the size of phone books. It become surreal when we're both sitting there talking about how everything will be okay(but doubtin it will be) and who knows when we'll see each other again. It becomes really absurd when you realize that at least half the other people in the lounge are having very similiar conversations; if only those menus could talk.

Next Time - Pook Through The Looking Glass

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